Sunday, November 28, 2010

This Post is for my Mother

I am writing this post for my mother for reasons I can not yet share. My purpose is to show my love to the woman who gave me life. That life has had its ups and downs as all lives do. Although my mother raised me all by herself, which is no easy task, she still tried her hardest to give my life more of the ups than the down and I love her all the more for it.

As parents we only want what is best for our children and try to protect them from all the cruelty the world has to throw our way. As I grew, she still stood by me through every bad decision I made and helped me through when I suffered the consequences of my decisions. I have made my fair share of mistakes but I came through them to lead a productive life and have a wonderful family and home. I have never forgotten how I was raised and I owe the life I have now in part to my biggest fan; my mother.

Our relationship hasn't always been butterflies and rainbows. We have definitely had our fair share of rocky moments where hurtful words weren't spared and spans of time where we didn't speak. The biggest lesson I learned through those rocky times is that no matter how much you want to stop loving someone, the ones truly special in your heart is a flame of love that can never be extinguished. We made it through those rough patches and barely a day goes by where we don't have long telephone conversations and enjoy each others company.

My mother has seen me at my worst and seen me at my best. She has supported me through it all. I am ashamed to say that I have not been nearly as supportive to her. Now may possibly be the time where she will need all the support I can give and I will give 100% of what I can offer her. I only hope that my best will be enough.

I have truly been blessed with a wonderful husband and children and even in-laws who always stand in my corner cheering me on but each time my mother is always cheering the loudest of all. She is my biggest believer and my biggest fan. Sometimes I think she thinks I am perfect in every way even though that is impossible and I know I am not. Never the less, it is always wonderful to have someone who believes you are capable of accomplishing anything and is proud to have you as a daughter. God smiled upon me when he chose my mother.

This goes out to you mom. I love you and always will.

Monday, November 22, 2010

I Will Soon Be Starting a New Blog

So, my Mother said I have to make a new post. I really don't keep up on my blog like I should but my life is rather boring and I don't have a whole lot to talk about.

I will be designing a new blog. A woman who runs a popular quilting website wants to make a blog about being an amateur quilter since the site is geared towards amateur quilters and filled with tons of information for us. I had seen that she was looking for people to write articles and to help with web work but because of my lack of experience quilting I figured writing articles would be difficult. I'm still learning myself. So I came up with the idea of writing a blog about being a novice quilter. She loved the idea so now I must design a new blog so she can link it on her website. I have decided to title the blog "The Many Misadventures of the Amateur Quilter". What do you think of the title?

At least this will get me back in the habit of writing again and get me going on the quilt I started for my son. The last month and a half has been crazy. I've been busy and hadn't been sleeping so I was always exhausted and just didn't have the energy for quilting. Plus, I was used to working on my quilts when Tim left work when he was working third shift. I would stay up sewing because I didn't have to get up early to get the kids on the bus but now that he's on first shift I have to be up by 6:30am to get them off to school. Unfortunately I haven't been making time to quilt. I go to bed much earlier now and for some reason I have always only wanted to work on my crafts at night. With my new sleeping schedule that makes it a little difficult. I am hoping that by keeping this blog I will work harder and make time for my quilting which I truly enjoy doing.

Anyway, that's all for now. When I get my new blog up and running I will post the link on this blog and vice versa.

Until next time....

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Story of my Life: My Wonderful Life

Story of my Life: My Wonderful Life

My Wonderful Life

I’ve been staying busy lately repainting rooms in my house. I also got bored one day and tore up the carpet in my library and living room. Under the carpet was beautiful hardwood floors that I believe are original to the house which is over a hundred years old. They don’t make hard wood flooring like this anymore. When we get our taxes back next year we are going to have someone come in and sand and polyurethane the floors. They will be even more beautiful then. I also ripped out the carpet on the stairs and uncovered beautiful wooden stairs. The house looks so much better without that nasty carpeting in it.

Good news, Tim got moved to first shift at work and it is great. So now he works 6-2pm and I don’t spend nearly as much time alone as I did when he was on third shift. Now we can actually do things in the evening and go places. He should be safe on that shift for the next year. Hopefully he won’t get bumped when his year of safety is up.

I am also going to start writing an opinion column for Dominick, the founder, wants the column as many times a week as I can write it. I was going to do a humor column but I’m kind of limited on material since life only involves being a wife and mother. But an opinion column, well there are endless topics and I have an opinion on almost everything. I need to get my first column written this week and submit it to Dominick. I haven’t decided on a topic yet. I hate trying to come up with topics because I always seem to draw a blank.

I had a horrible cold last week that kept me in bed all week but now I’m finally better. It really knocked me on my butt. Luckily the hubby and kids didn’t get sick.

I haven’t been sleeping lately. I take a bunch of sleeping pills and still can’t fall asleep and then when I finally do I can’t stay asleep. I wake up all through the night. I haven’t gotten a decent night’s sleep in over three weeks. The last three nights I have been sleeping on the couch because for some unknown reason I fall asleep faster on the couch than when I’m in my bed. I go back to my doctor on the 19th and I am going to talk to her about maybe if I have a medical condition that causes me to not be able to sleep. Maybe if I can get diagnosed with something they can treat it. No sleeping pills work for me. I seem to have a very high tolerance to them. Maybe I will get lucky and can find out why I don’t sleep and can find a medicine that will help the problem. I am desperate for sleep.

Well, that’s all for now. Until next time….